Karma is a Bitch.

Remember how I complained in my last blog post about how all the hot guys I see are too short? I guess I should eat my words.

I have science lab on Thursdays for plant biology. It's an obnoxiously long class, and I'm not really a science person, so it's usually pretty bland. My story begins a few weeks ago when we met for our first class. Because it was drop/add week, we only went over the syllabus and how to work a microscope. I had worked with microscopes in the past, and had pre-read the syllabus, and so class that day was extra boring. And when I get bored I zone out. And when I zone out I stare. This can get me into some pretty awkward situations, such as during this first class when I caught myself zone-out staring at the hot guy a couple tables over. Only that's not the bad part. The bad part is that I only realized I was staring, because he looked at me. I blushed scarlet, and avoided zoning out for the rest of class.

As mortifying as it was in the moment, I'm glad he caught me staring. Why? Because for the rest of the class period, whenever I would glance over at him, he would already be looking at me. Ever since then I have been on the lookout for signs that he might swing my way. You know how sometimes you just get the vibe that someone is gay? You might not have even had a decent conversation with the person, but you can almost just feel it. Call it what you will--Instinct, gaydar, etc.--but this guy kind of gives off that vibe. I don't know if it's the way he acts, the way he dresses (kind of preppy-chic), or the fact that I caught him staring several times that first day.

So today we had lab. For the first few weeks our professor wanted us to sit with someone new every class period. I guess he's hoping that this way people can't complain about their lab partner. Well, this time when I walked into class I noticed that the hot--and possibly gay--guy didn't have a lab partner. I furiously debated in my mind for a few seconds, decided 'what the hell', and sat next to him. Best of all? I think we might be lab partners for the rest of the semester.

I've never talked to this guy before today, but I think I like him. And you know what the real kicker is? I'm pretty sure he is several inches shorter than me.


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